All fences are hand-crafted with support pegs for strength. They are assembled in one piece and do not come apart. The faux finishes are textured to resemble actual stone/stucco and have been sealed with multiple layers of fixative. The miniature flowers are crafted in clay to resemble real flowers in miniature, in perfect scale for traditional scale model horses. They are permanently attached to the base, but the stems are bendable to reposition slightly as needed. Fences are reversible with a non-flower side on the back for a simpler presentation. With the exception of the stucco fence, all trim wraps around with mitered joints. "Wrought iron" is actually plastic and should be handled with care. These are not toys and should be handled appropriately to preserve their beauty.
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Rosy Slat & Irises Fence - Finished in a slat-style stone finish in a rosy color. Flowers are pale blue and yellow irises on tall stems, and pink, yellow, and white poppies in a bed of green ferns. Very fresh and spring-like color combination. 6 inches high, base is 22 1/8 inches long, 1 1/2 inches wide.

Grey Stone & Blue Bonnets Fence - Natural grey stone with large white trim. Flowers are impressive blue bonnets, white frilly flowers, and two shades of pink daisies in a bed of green leaves. 6 inches high, base is 20 inches long, 1 1/2 inches wide.

Stucco & Forget-Me-Nots Fence - Multi-tonal stucco in warm earth tones with extra white trim on the front only under the ledge and along the bottom. Blue forget-me-nots, white daisies, pink pansies, and an assortment of other pink shaded flowers on a bed of green leaves really compliment the stucco finish. 6 inches high, base is 20 inches long, 2 inches wide.

Red Brick & Geraniums - Red brick with crown molding trim and ornate wrought iron. Perky red and white geraniums on a bed of green leaves give this a classy look. 6 inches high, base is 22 1/8 inches long, 1 1/2 inches wide. THIS ONE IS SOLD.

I've been getting questions about what the lantern style look like, so here is an in progress shot. One is the stone finish and the other is a cream over black stucco with baseboard trim and the ornate irons. (The red brick lantern style will be staying with me). Price on these will also be $150 even though they were much more complicated to construct.