August 27, 2010


The family spent a lovely day in Boston a couple weekends ago. We walked the freedom trail and saw many wonderful sights from our nation's history. These lovely bronzes were very inspirational and I wanted to share them with you here.

We also spent time on a boat tour of NYC and an afternoon in Cape Cod, visiting the area where my father grew up. It was a quick trip, but nice to spend time with the family and enjoy the beautiful summer together visiting new places before school begins. My classes have started at Villanova University, where I am studying accounting and 3rd grade starts for Audrey on Monday. I will be busy, busy and not likely to post too often, but may have occasion here or there, so don't abandon me completely!

August 1, 2010

NAN 2010 Results

National Champion CM Other Pure Ponies & Minis

This year my good friend, Marilou Mol, proxy showed several of my show string models for me. Considering that the majority were minis and one was even broken en route, I am really pleased with the number of top tens earned this year. And congrats to Lynn Norbury with Indiana Jones and Jeni Lambert with Dun In Squiggles for top tens in their classes. Here are some of the winners - the rest can be seen at

Push Comes to Shove
Top Ten AR/OS Tennessee Walker/Spotted Saddle Horse

Top Ten AR/OS Spanish/Sport Foal
Top Ten AR/OS Workmanship SM/LB Appaloosa Pattern

Savoir Faire
Top Ten AR/OS American Saddlebred
Top Ten AR/OS Workmanship Pinto Pattern - Tobiano

Top Ten AR/OS Workmanship AM/LB Dilutes