February 21, 2010

A Fond Farewell to Region 8

GLC No Frills Feb. 2010

Attended my last show in the region (for the foreseeable future). Many wonderful friends were there (though not everyone joined us for the photo - and some weren't able to attend that day).

I'll miss you guys!

February 7, 2010

What do Snow, Anniversaries & Websites have in common?

This past Friday was our 10th anniversary. I had made plans to join Jonathan this weekend, go to New York city and see Wicked. Jonathan saw the forecast for a huge snow storm and we decided that it would be best to cancel my trip. (Turns out he was right, that is our car on Sunday morning!). To distract myself, I decided to give the website an update. It has taken me all weekend, but I am very pleased with the new look. Hope you'll agree! Check it out:

February 4, 2010

Become a Fan on Facebook!

That's right, Feldman Studio is now on Facebook. This is seperate from my personal page and will highlight studio happenings. Here is the link if you would like to become a fan:

There's also a logo to your left that you can click on at any time.

I still have my yahoo announcement list, if you want updates delivered directly to your inbox. This will cover sales announcements or major news . You can join here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeldmanStudio

And DVDs are still available for purchase from my e-store at: http://feldmanstudio.com/store/

Only a handful of leopard appaloosa and prepping DVDs are in stock. I have not yet decided if I will reorder more. I did reorder the dapple grey DVD, so have plenty of those available.

As for the new titles in the series, it will be awhile still until I sit down to edit them. I've been working on models instead. Good news is the repairs are done and the commissions are prepped!

And finally, a quick note that Sayaad Al Assad (pictured above) will be offered on Auction Barn starting tomorrow evening. I will post the link then.

As always, thanks for reading!

February 3, 2010

Seeing White

Prepping takes for-ev-er.

February 2, 2010

A Mini Portrait In Progress

This is a commission piece for a friend of mine of her fabulous Paint horse. I did one of him as a weanling on an Okie Too resin and now I get the privilege of doing the grown up version. She shows him in Dressage and he's quite good, too, hence the braids. I always feel especially privileged when someone asks me to do a portrait of their real horse. I consider it a real honor. And I hope that I can do them justice.